
An event is a set of actions Amplitude have to execute once it has been triggered at runtime, during your game. Event assets are described with the following properties:


uint64 required

A unique value across event assets that represents the ID of this object. It may be reused later to get the instance of this event from the engine at runtime.


string required

A unique value across event assets that represents the name of this object. It may be reused later to get the instance of this event from the engine at runtime.


EventActionDefinition[] required

An array of actions to execute. When this event will be triggered, each action will be executed sequentially in the order they are defined in this array. Each object of this is defined by the given properties:


EventActionType default: None

This specifies the type of action to execute. The possible values of this enumeration are:

Nonenoop action.
PlayPlays the sound objects with the identifiers given in the targets property.
PausePauses the sound objects with the identifiers given in the targets property.
ResumeResumes the sound objects with the identifiers given in the targets property.
StopStops the sound objects with the identifiers given in the targets property.
SeekSeeks the sound objects with the identifiers given in the targets property, to the given position.
MuteBusMutes the buses with the identifiers given in the targets property.
UnmuteBusUnmutes the buses with the identifiers given in the targets property.


bool default: true

Defines whether the action is active or not. An inactive action will not be executed when the parent event will be triggered at runtime.


uint64[] required

A list of object identifiers on which execute the given action. For Play, Pause, Resume, Stop and Seek actions, this array should contain Sound Objects identifiers. For MuteBus and UnmuteBus actions, this array should contain Buses identifiers.


Scope default: Entity

Set the Scope in which this action will be executed. If this value is set to Entity, the event should be triggered with a valid entity at runtime.


  "name": "player_footstep",
  "id": 876,
  "actions": [
      "type": "Play",
      "active": true,
      "targets": [
      "scope": "Entity"