
Describes a function that is applied on a value to transform the result.


CurvePartDefinition[] required

An array of objects representing each part of the curve. Each object provides a start point, an end point, and fading function to use to link them. Check the CurvePartDefinition section for more information.

The final range of the curve will be bounded within the lowest point and the highest point of all the curve parts.


  "parts": [
      "start": {
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0
      "end": {
        "x": 1,
        "y": 1
      "fader": "Linear"


An object describing a single part of a curve. Allowed properties are:


CurvePointDefinition required

The start point of the curve. It stores the coordinates of the point in the graph. Check the CurvePointDefinition section for more information.


CurvePointDefinition required

The end point of the curve. It stores the coordinates of the point in the graph. Check the CurvePointDefinition section for more information.


string required

The fader transition to use while moving values from the start point to the end point. This stores as value a name to a registered fader transition.


  "start": {
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
  "end": {
    "x": 1,
    "y": 1
  "fader": "SCurveSmooth"


Represents a point in a curve graph. It’s an object defined by 2 coordinate values:


double required

The position of the point over the X-axis. The X-axis represents the values passed to the curve for computation.


float required

The position of the point over the Y-axis. The Y-axis represents the result of the computation for a given value.


  "x": 1,
  "y": 343.33


This object defines the settings for a fade transition. It is described by the following attributes:


double required

The duration of the fade transition. The value is expressed in seconds.


string required

The name of the [Fader] algorithm to be used. It can be one of those shipped with the engine or from plugins.


  "duration": 3.0,
  "fader": "ExponentialSmooth"


An RTPC-compatible value is an object that can hold a static value or a link to an RTPC value.


ValueKind default: Static

Specifies the kind of value that should be used. The possible values are:

StaticThe parameter is static value specified by the value field.
RTPCThe parameter is a RTPC value specified by the rtpc field.

When the kind property is set to Static, it is required to define a value field. When the kind property is set to RTPC, it is required to define a rtpc field.

The default value is Static.



A static value that will be used at runtime. This property is only available when the kind property is set to Static.



An object that describe how the value should be updated according to a RTPC object. This object takes as input:

  • id: The ID of the RTPC object to use.
  • curve: A CurveDefinition object that defines the function to apply on the RTPC value to compute this parameter value.

Check the RtpcParameter section for more information.


// An example of RTPC-compatible value with a static value
  "kind": "Static",
  "value": 5

// An example of RTPC-compatible value with a RTPC value
  "kind": "RTPC",
  "rtpc": {
    "id": 19,
    "curve": {
      "parts": [
          "start": {
            "x": 0,
            "y": 1
          "end": {
            "x": 100,
            "y": 0
          "fader": "Linear"


An object used to defines how to gather values from a RtpcCompatibleValue with the kind property set to RTPC. This allows you to use a curve to convert values from the RTPC object to other values.


uint64 required

The id of the RTPC object where to get the value. This value should reference a valid RTPC object.


CurveDefinition required

The curve to use when converting values from the RTPC object. It stores as value an object matching the specification of a CurveDefinition. Check the CurveDefinition section for more information.


  "id": 24,
  "curve": {
    "parts": [
        "start": {
          "x": 0,
          "y": 1
        "end": {
          "x": 1,
          "y": 0
        "fader": "SCurveSharp"